

如果你是退伍军人,我们尊敬并欢迎你. 你可以去退伍军人办公室(位于 at one of the campus enrollment centers or financial aid offices) for personal help 证明福利和获取信息. 你也可以联系美国海关.S. 部门 退伍军人事务部,请拨打1.888.442.4551或访问他们的 网站.

如果你有资格享受 第30、31、33或1606章, a dependent or spouse requesting benefits, please fill out the 申请退伍军人事务部教育福利表.

If you are a dependent or spouse of a veteran using 章35 Dependent Educational Assistance benefits, please fill out the 申请VA第35章福利表.

For more information on completing a request for benefits form 阅读常见问题解答.




  1. Eligible veterans and dependents are responsible for 不ifying 十大娱乐彩票平台 of their intent 使用退伍军人事务部的教育福利. Submit a 退伍军人 Request for Benefits form to one of the campus enrollment centers or financial aid offices or email it from your secured 十大娱乐彩票平台学生电子邮件帐户 veterans@十大娱乐平台排行榜kc.edu.
  2. Enroll ONLY for courses that will apply to your degree program. 只有课程 apply towards your declared program will be certified.
  3. You must immediately 不ify the 退伍军人 Certifying Official when the below situations 发生.
    Failure to do so may result in overpayment collection:
  4. 添加或删除一个类
  5. 改变你的学位课程
  6. 更改地址
  7. 从班级或大学退学
  8. 更改出席日期
  9. 如果你不做 令人满意的学业进展 you will be placed on warning, probation and/or an academic plan. 有一些具体的 要求 令人满意的学业进展 for veteran's benefits (PDF).
  10. Students receiving Chapter 30 and 1606 benefits are required to log onto the GI Bill®网站 点击验证出勤链接, 网络注册自动验证 on the last day of each month to verify enrollment 与 the VA or call 877.823.2378. Monthly verification for Post 9/11 GI Bill is 不 required.


当地VA办事处 区域VA办事处 十大娱乐彩票平台 VA认证官员
TDD: 816.922.3328
P.O. 66830箱
St. 路易斯63166-6830



As a veteran, you probably qualify for educational benefits that may pay for your 学费,甚至提供住房津贴. 请访问VA网站开始 与 浏览可获得的福利. You may qualify for more than one type of educational benefit, it may 不 be 很容易决定哪一个最适合你. 你可能也想讨论一下你的计划 与 one of our campus financial aid specialists and 与 the education center on 你的职位或基地.


  • If you are having trouble accessing your benefits or believe you have been wrongfully 被退伍军人事务部拒绝福利,电子邮件 1 studentveteran@vfw.org 向海外退伍军人服务官员寻求帮助. 退伍军人事务部的个人申报者有 a 12% success rate in getting benefits in the first year. VFW报道了这一点 在VSO的帮助下,成功率跃升至92%.
  • 统一的方式 2-1-1 is a free, confidential, 24-hour information and referral service giving you access 在你的社区资源. You can get information from a Veteran Navigator by dialing 2-1-1 or by searching the resource database at the 联合劝募会退伍军人专页.
  • 国家资源目录 provides links to many other programs and services that may be of help to veterans 以及他们的家人.