
We honor and welcome those who are currently serving our country through active duty, 后备军和国民警卫队. Stop by a veterans office (located in 你r campus financial aid office) for personal help and to get information.

如果你是退伍军人,我们尊敬并欢迎你. 你可以去退伍军人办公室(位于 at one of the campus enrollment centers or financial aid offices) for personal help 证明福利和获取信息. 你也可以联系美国海关.S. 部门 退伍军人事务部,请拨打1.888.442.4551或访问他们的 好处.va.gov / gibill.




十大娱乐彩票平台 provides a 100% tuition and textbook refund for qualifying students who are called 到现役. If 你 have been activated or have received military transfer orders and must withdraw from classes prior to completing the semester, contact the campus 报名中心查询退款信息. 即使在最后一天之后也可以这样做 休学一学期.

If 你 were called 到现役 in a previous semester and were not able to withdraw, bring 你r orders to the campus enrollment center to have that semester's grades changed 撤销你的成绩单.


Service members will be readmitted at the same academic status they had when they last attended school when returning from military related 服务.


Contact Human Resources for details on how 十大娱乐彩票平台 can work with 你 as 你 transition 到现役.
